What skills do children develop with the circus?


The circus constitutes a powerful playful aspect in the children’s environment, therefore, we assume that the attraction for the theme is practically assured. This fact gives a wide margin of action to the teacher or animator, since it allows them to teach in a dynamic and entertaining way. The circus in the educational environment In […]

Children’s theater: costumes and scenery


When a play is performed with children, it is common to use scenographic material that is inexpensive, simple to produce and stimulating for both the actors and the audience (generally of the same age) that attends the performance. This helps to dress up the stage, adding colour and textures to create a detailed representation of […]

How to attract the public by doing balloon twisting


If the passers-by have not had previous contact with the balloon twisting and see you, they won’t know what to think. You’re gonna need them to see your balloons to convince them they want a figure made by you. They have to be given the impression that they are available here and now and that […]

Theater plays for children


Theatre is an activity that will help children’s ability to relate and their physical development. Through theatre, children are going to be able to lose the shyness that is so characteristic of the youngest and acquire the confidence they need to create personal bonds in their daily lives. Without going any further, we can read […]